Ephemeral DAOs exist for a finite period of time to achieve specific goals or objectives. Once the goals or objectives of the ephemeral DAO have been achieved, the DAO is dissolved, and its assets, if any, are distributed back to the participants or transferred to another entity.
Ephemerality and DAO-iness are powerful because:
without the burden of having to last forever, the stakes are lower. Which enables more experimentation.
without the burden of having to last forever, we can make more pragmatic decisions about what to do over a short period of time without worrying about entrenching power.
without the burden of having to last forever, we can test/iterate with bold bets in the short term.
we can learn from decentralized movements of the past, many of which ebbed and flowed, (Occupy Wall St or the Civil Rights movement are two examples) + transcribe their lessons into our ephemeral DAO experiments…